20. Functions of The President

The Present of the Association shall :

  1. Preside and conduct at all meetings of the Association, Governing Council and supervise the functions of the Association and convene the General Body or Governing Council Meetings for emergency or otherwise.
  2. The President shall be responsible for the proper functioning of the various Officer Bearers of the Association and the Governing Council.
  3. Give the casting vote in case of equality of votes at any meeting of the General Body or the Governing Council and dictate Minutes in the Meeting.
  4. Represent the Association wherever a formal representation is necessary, and
  5. Perform such other functions as might be required by the rules or the bye-laws of the Association.
21. Functions of The Vice President

22. The Sr. Vice President of the Association shall :

  1. Perform the functions of the President, when the President is absent from District or he is so directed by the President. Provided that in the absence of both President and Senior Vice President, the right to preside at meeting of the Association or the Governing Council shall belong to the Vice President so authorized.
  2. Perform such other functions as may be required to perform by these Rules of the Bye-laws of the Association
22. Functions of The Hony. Secretary

The Hony. Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and it shall be his duty to give effect to the resolution of the Association and of the Governing Council.
Subject to such directions or limitations as may be contained in these Rules or in the resolutions of the Association or of the Governing Council, he shall have the power of :

  1. Spending the funds of the Association in accordance with the Budget, in paying the salaries of the servants, in purchasing books, furniture and materials for the printing and for other purposes connected with the management of the Association, the Library in accordance with the directions of Governing Council and for this purpose to operate upon the Bank Account of the Association along with the President and Treasurer jointly.
  2. Spending a sum not exceeding Rs. 15,000/- in any year for extraordinary and emergent purpose of the Association without the previous sanction of the Governing Council.
  3. Keeping maintenance of the accounts and minutes of the meeting of the Association and of the Governing Council.
  4. Investment of funds of the Association in current or in fixed deposit in any Scheduled Bank, approved by the Governing Council, withdrawal of the deposits from time to time and to utilize and spend them for the purposes of the Association and do deal with Government and other securities on behalf of the Association in accordance with directions of the General Body.
  5. To generally supervise the working of the various activities of the Association, and convene its meeting.
  6. To perform such other functions as he might be required to perform by these Rules or the Bye-laws of the Association.
23. Functions of The Joint Secretary

The Joint Secretary in charge of administration shall :- assist the Hony. Secretary in discharges of his duties. In the absence of the Hony. Secretary, the joint Secretary (Administration) shall act for him in all matter that calls for an immediate disposal.

24. Functions of The Joint Secretary In-Charge of Library

The Joint Secretary in-charge of the Library shall, under the general supervision of the Hony. Secretary be responsible ;

  1. For the maintenance of the Library of the Association.
  2. For the purchase of books for the Library.
  3. For seeing to the proper use and preservation of the Library and the use and the return of books; and
  4. For performing such other functions as might be delegated to him by the Governing Council.
25. Functions of The Joint Secretary In-Charge of Publication

The Joint Secretary In-charge of the publication shall, under the general supervision of the Hony. Secretary, be responsible for publication of Journals, Members Directory and including other connecting publications relating to law and professional ethics.

26. Functions of The Joint Secretary Women

The Joint Secretary Women shall supervise the Ladies Rooms and shall look after their Welfare and report their problems to the Governing Council for redress.

27. Functions of The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be responsible for :-

  1. Checking the income and expenditure of the Association.
  2. Preparing the Annual Budget of the Association for its being placed before Governing Council.
  3. For seeing that all expenditure are made in accordance with the Budget, the Rules and the Bye-laws.
  4. For advising the Governing Council on all matters relating to financial policy.
  5. To perform such other functions as might be assigned to him by the Governing Council.
  6. The Treasurer shall operate Banks and other financial accounts along with the President and the Hony. Secretary and
  7. Shall publish on the Notice Board the quarterly expenditure by the end of third month.